Lakes and Greens have just installed the latest Rain Bird IC system at Ellesborough Golf Club, 18 Hole brand new install featuring Rain Bird MI Series, this allows the Green Keepers to have full control of the irrigation system via a Smartphone.
Tag Archives: irrigation contractor
The Drift Golf Club, Surrey
Since the installation of the new tees/greens/approach and fairway system, the Drift are preparing for the next phase to the irrigation system with a “water catchment well” ready to transfer water to a proposed irrigation reservoir.
St Enodoc Golf Club, Cornwall
We have recently installed Rainbird irrigation to 6 greens and a new tee at St Enodoc Golf Club.
Chelsea Training Ground, Surrey
West Byfleet Golf Club, Surrey
Installation of a new Rain Bird system at West Byfleet Golf Club.
We recently installed the new irrigation system, the new system included greens, tees, approaches, rough and fairways.
Within this installation we constructed the new reservoir.